Life is a battle. We're in a constant fight right from the first sight of light, this goes way back right before we were even formed. A group of sperm cells fighting to see who becomes enlightened, success carved within the DNA of human beings.
The irony is, there is a fear of success hidden deep in our whole being. The body was designed to protect the soul from harm and to acquire success, we must undergo hardship. That's why the body searches for natural enemies, which protect us from doing the unnatural even though it's to our advantage.
The body doesn't recognize the advantage, the body sees pain and hardship. Hence, we naturally seek instant gratification and overnight success. The easy way!
Long-lasting success, real success is difficult and painful. The subconscious is highly sensitive, and when it feels pain, it calls in the "enemies". These enemies, prevent us from acquiring success. But also remember, they're our good friends, and that's why It takes courage and practice to be able to recognize them.
When you recognize them, learn to control them. Because if not, the results can be chaotic.
The Comfort Zone
Comfort is the most natural state of the body. When in comfort, we feel safe. Our body and mind get into a defensive state anytime we subdue ourselves into discomfort. This is the point where we find ourselves feeling unhappy and in pain, even when doing things that can positively affect us.
Because those things take a lot of work, effort, and time. We give up and never try anything that pushes us out of our comfort zones. That is why we need to get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. Because that is where we grow and learn. Pressure is necessary to achieve growth, and the comfort zone is an enemy.
It feels so comfortable to be in the comfort zone that even the most important things in our lives become uncomfortable. We get into a state of illusion. We feel tasks are too easy and can be done at any time, so, we fail to begin. With the complete notion that they can be done at any time, with less or no required effort. We might get in our way by believing that tasks are too difficult to be completed, so, never start.
We keep procrastinating, waiting for the right moment, the right ideas, and the right resources. We forget the fact that there is no perfection, and that practice makes us better. We wait, and wait, and wait. Till the end, and it finally gets done, but we're late. In the worst-case scenario, we completely give up, and never know the results. That is how great ideas die, they got to people who never felt ready to take action.
We all at some point get into a state of helplessness. We get stuck in our way and believe things can't be done, and tasks can't be completed. We freeze and fail to think. We freeze and fail to dream. We believe we are in big trouble and nothing or nobody can get us out of that situation. We believe there is no way out, and nothing more can be done. After a couple of trials, we eventually stop. Just like that, is how good ideas never get to see the light, we stopped because we felt helpless.
Fear is the imaginary disease that rules the mind. Fear is a virus, but fear is an imaginary virus. It's carved into our DNA. We fear what we see and don't see. We fear what we know and the unknown. Human beings are always able to create fear for them to stop doing something.
Fear is a necessary weapon instigated in our societies to be able to control the masses. So, fear has become the most natural escape of the mind. The best reason to remain poor and stagnant. We fear pain, so we stay in our comfort zones. We fear success, so we talk ourselves out of big ideas. The moment you hear the common phrase " I am afraid", be 99.9% sure nothing is going to get done.
Pressure makes diamonds, but pressure also destroys pipes. Even the hardest metals melt when induced by high pressure and heat. In a world where survival of the fittest and natural selection is the mode of the day, it takes resistance and perseverance if you wish to enjoy the spoils of war.
Those who last longer have a higher probability of achieving success. So, the moment you decide to embark on a journey where only the most fearless and most committed souls succeed, learn the art of resistance and perseverance.
Laziness refers to all enemies of success combined in the most natural state. "You shall eat by the sweat of your forehead", the scriptures said. So, every lazy man is a hungry man. Who eventually becomes an angry man and starts seeking easy ways.
Laziness destroys careers, futures, and fortunes. Laziness consumes the mind, and eventually destroys a life. Laziness is so powerful, that even when the going gets harder, people get lazier. Laziness is the perfect excuse to be you and in great refusal of taking help from anybody. Lazy minds see no problem with being lazy, and they might not even be able to recognize laziness.
We are talking about generations going through the same problem, without even being able to recognize the problem. You can't have a solution to no problem. I mean, it's not even considered a problem.
A high level of success is unnatural, and even if the mind decided to seek success, it refuses to embrace the pains that come with the process. So, you must train the mind. We heard the statement " nothing good comes easy", and the Hip Hop artist and TV producer 50 Cent said it best, "Get Rich or Die Trying".
Success comes with a price and enemies, and if we've decided to go against nature to acquire more than it was given. Get ready and become the hero of your movie.
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