Let's talk about the importance of talent in the skills of rap and street dancing.
Although talents are human characteristics and powers that can be acquired throughout the development of a human being, here in this current article, we shall be referring to natural-born talent when referring to “talent”. That means a child or person's ability to possess an advantage over any kind of knowledge or physical skill. It might also be understood as being blessed with the ability to be able to achieve success with little or no effort in a specific field and also being able to achieve extraordinary success if put through rigorous tests.
Now, back to our question. Does it require naturally honed talent in order to become a successful rapper or street dancer? That is a complicated question.
These arguments might carry equal weight in two opposite directions. Some might argue positively, while others might disagree. As someone who has been blessed with the opportunity to be able to indulge in both, I believe that little or no natural talent is required in order to become a professional rapper or dancer.
For you to be able to rap or dance, does not mean you’re talented, but for you to be able to make people feel and enjoy, and be moved by your skills, means you’re talented.
For you to easily remember lines and moves, means you’re talented. Because there are slow learners who take much longer time to learn moves and memorize lyrics. The fast learners prove to be the talented ones, the ones who require little or no effort.
For you to possess a unique voice, also means you’re talented. Special voices are natural talents, they command a sense of attention within the first five seconds.
But, without the qualities mentioned above, some specific individuals have been able to find themselves at the top of the pyramid.
There are two natural elements in play in order to become an extraordinary rapper or dancer. These elements are time and grit.
Time is understood as the amount of time required or spent in order to be able to learn, master, and hone a skill. The famous ten thousand hours rule. Nothing comes easy, especially good things. They might take a lifetime.
People are naturally affected by the disease of impatience. Two months in the game and they start comparing themselves with the greatest. There are others who fall in love with holidays and self-gratification, work one hour, and rest for two days. The habit of laziness and procrastination have proven to be natural dream zombies.
Our next quality, it's Grit. Grit is the quality that separates dreamers from dream chasers. Dream chasers possess a hunger. Such hunger leads them through the wilderness and helps them stand the test of time. No matter the field and kill, if you desire extraordinary results, then grit is required. Above average is the answer.
Days, weeks, and months of loneliness and hard work. You’ve got to disappear in order to become a superhero. People often complain of not having enough time, even children share the same complaint.
Do whatever you have to. But remember, a soul is found in a hidden location away from the general eyeballs. With nothing in mind, up when it hits dawn and dives straight into training mode. Burning with the desire of becoming the greatest, honing extraordinary powers. Day and night, doing nothing, but training. Then, you’re automatically competing with these people. If you keep complaining and procrastinating, then you’re too late.
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