The night was cold, they could hear owls sing as they crossed the bridge.
Slowly, patiently counting steps ahead, john unknowingly extended his hand.
Time stopped, and this was the next step of a romantic night.
Things don’t always end well, so with no expectations, just go with the flow.
“what’s wrong?”
“Sorry”, he panicked.
“I.....Never mind.”
Terrified by the look on her face, he slowly pulled back, trying to bury himself.
“Haha, you’re cute.”
She said.
The bridge was getting longer for John, everything he said came out the wrong way.
“wanna go home?”
“Not so fast, still trying to know you.”
“Not mine, yours”. He quickly added.
“Too fast for that”
“That’s not what I mean.”
Afraid of being misunderstood.
“I mean...”
“I know”
“Take it easy, boy. I know what you mean.”
“Let’s stay a little bit longer.”
“Mnnn, OK”
“Hey, a boat”. She screamed.
John felt great relief, felt like he just came out of a physics exam.
Trust me, if you were John, that was the worst place you ever wanted to be.
John is an art student, the only thing he knows about physics, is how to spell PHYSICS.
I argue he might even get it wrong due to fear.
“That’s beautiful!” Said John with enthusiasm.
“Yeah, I love it.”
Chloe stared at the boat.
The lights reflected in her eyes, and she smiled like it was one of the most beautiful views she had ever seen.
But John, John stared at her, like she was one of the most beautiful beings he’s ever set his cute eyes on.
“So pretty!” He murmured.
“Tell me, John”
His palms were sweaty, heartbeat was in a race, 240 beats per second.
John was lost.
It was the second time Chloe experienced a person go mute.
The first time was in high school, she’s always had that wow factor on people, but that day was memorable.
It made her understand how powerful her charm was.
September 5th, 2005. In a small private school buried at the heart of Malabo, the capital city of Equatorial Guinea.
The new academic year. It was a fresh trimester.
Every kid was showcasing a new ability, new outfit, or new haircut.
Sunny Monday morning, you could feel the joy throughout the school.
Time hit eight o’clock, and the whole school went silent.
Students were all in their respective classrooms, you could only hear the teachers' voices.
Every student was at school, and everybody came early, except her.
Yes, everybody but Chloe.
She was new, and had no friends there, so what’s the point of going early?
She decided to be late.
Chloe arrived fifteen minutes late, and walked gently, softly, but you could hear her footsteps.
It was a school runway, exclusively for her.
She walked to her classroom; it was chaos.
She pushed in, “Hi”.
The room went silent.
Both the teacher and the students, boys, and girls, all stared for one minute, and a star was born that morning.
Well, John was still lost.
Chloe, worried and scared, thought the only possible way would be a deeper connection.
“It's OK”
That hug was the finish line for John’s heart race.
He felt like a river just flowed from the mountains.
What a relief!
This is the pearl river effect.
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