Learn to let go.
That is the hardest task given to us by humanity.
Even nature has problems with letting go.
I feel like we are always hunted by life in some way.
Call it whatever you want.
I can say that is nature giving us a chef’s recipe for how hard it is to let go.
How can I let go?
From the first breath taken, we are told to never give up.
Work hard, try harder, keep pushing, push harder.
Never take No for an answer, we’re told, but here I am.
Today, as the sun sets, streets ghost up, on the line between two controversial aspects of life.
Fighting for the unconditional yet selfish love for a significant soul, I’m told to let go.
Yeah, trust me, I tried!
They say let go if you love.
Real love is understanding and selfless.
Real love is unconditional.
Real love is like a spiritual boomerang.
Away a hundred meters, back to zero in seconds.
Real love cares for others more than for self.
How can I let go?
Maybe they are right, maybe not.
How can I let go?
Easier said than done.
I tried and failed a couple of times.
Tried again and failed again.
Learn to let go.
The hardest lecture given by professor life.
You easily get a D minus.
What happens when you let go?
That’s the trillion-bitcoin question.
Some people never know, I’m still trying to figure it out.
The biggest secret of a dish called life.
When we learn to let go, we’ll be free.
Learn to let go.
Let go and be free.
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