They say a new day comes with new waves, a new dawn, new sun.
Not a myth, I have had many, and so do you, but like my grandfather told me, “Every day is not Christmas”.
This day came with crazy waves, suave and silent, sweet like morning winds.
But this is the craziest part about morning winds, they are highly unpredictable, and the closer they get, the stronger they become.
Crazy times over, waves went away, taking away everything and leaving behind the unexpected nasty endings.
It was a nice, sweet Monday, not just any Monday, but a sunny Monday.
Well, countless sunny Mondays since the dawn of mankind, what makes this one so special!
Simple, I can't recall about the weekend, it was a ball. I believe you already know where this goes.
I could as well wake up with an angel holding my hand, but thanks to the odds, I woke up under the bed. I admit waking up was scary, thought I have been buried alive.
The common reflex action of stretching my hands before opening my eyes, my gosh…goosebumps. I thought I was in a casket. Darkroom, I could not move due to fear, it was all in my head.
“Let me out”, I heard myself cry. Opened my eyes; it was all in my head. I was under my bed, the room wasn’t that dark, and you could still see the sunlight penetrating through the glass.
I got up and sat on my bed, meditation time. Gave thanks to the universe. I’m a Christian, and I talk to God, always good to have a morning chat to express gratitude. I don’t know what you believe in, maybe you worship money, and some people worship plants, either way, it feels good to have a chat and express gratitude. You know the vibes, life is good.
After my meditation, I felt great, light, and enlightened. Took in a glass of water, and straight to my stretching routine. As an athletic person, a routine is a routine, you can't skip your stretches, because they are a crucial phase for muscle recovery.
I enjoy working out, but I’m not getting ready to fight a villain, 30 minutes and I'm good to go.
Everything has been pretty normal, did my morning business, a bath, and put on my fresh outfit.
It’s Monday, you got to look fresh. The fresher you look, the more solid the confidence, and the more ass you kick.
As I said earlier, I had a crazy weekend, and everything was feeling pretty good so far.
New week, new day, we’re looking clean. Nice outfit, fresh white sneakers, I felt like an avenger. Yes, I completely forgot, Thanos was also part of the movie. New day nasty endings, I believe you already imagine the end.
My watch kicked 7:30 a.m. I stepped out; sunny day cool winds and life felt good. I don’t eat breakfast, well not always. I went straight and met with my first client. We sat down talked about business and checked some feedback. You know how Monday goes, when business is good, you completely lose track of time.
I checked my time, 11:30 a.m.
“Thanks, Mr. Smith, I appreciate the hard work.”
“Always a pleasure” I replied, “I’m grateful for the opportunity.”
“Hey, what about having lunch together?”
I remained silent and looked at my watch.
“Are you in a hurry?” he added with a smirk, leaving me in the spotlight.
“It’s lunchtime, we’re here, and there is good food.”
“There’s a Spanish restaurant right across the streets, they have delicious paellas, you should try some.”
I can’t explain what happened, but I was speechless.
“Nah, I’m good”
“We do this another day, still got a conference to attend.”
“Thanks anyway, always a real gentleman”
“Blessed day, Mr. Johnson”
“Blessed day, Mr. Smith”
I had a sip and left straight to my next stop, we just kicked noon, and I’m feeling great.
Monday has been great and I’m still fresh. White sneakers and feeling like I’ll be crushing the day.
“You look good, brother.”
“Thanks” I slowly replied.
Even the driver was feeling my mood.
45 minutes ride across town and we finally arrived.
“Good day, Mr. Smith”
“I love your outfit.”
“Hey, same here, you look very spectacular.”
I was received in style and felt appreciated.
“It’s going to be a great day.”
Received my pass and walked happily to my sit.
This is what happens when you look different, like, really good. My presence was known, and I felt confident.
It was a special day, I was expecting a special ending, a happy ending. It was my day, I felt it.
“Ladies and gentlemen, you’re all welcomed.”
“Please take your respective sits, we’re about to welcome our first speaker.”
I’ve been waiting for this opportunity, it was my first conference, and I wanted to meet everybody, shake hands and exchange words and contacts.
The first speaker went up, and the room went legs up, laughing and connected. I heard a strange noise.
It didn’t feel right, but I didn’t mind, I was in the moment.
The first speaker was giving his last words, I was focused on taking notes. Again, a grumbling noise. Waves, who could ever imagine?
I started praying, I’ll surely make it through the conference.
The second speaker was ready, and the waves got faster. I couldn’t clap, no way to move.
My face changed; I was the unhappy particle in a happy bubble.
The waves got faster, I felt like my stomach could earn a gold medal in a race. Thank God, my apartment is right across the street.
I lost track of time; the second speaker was blessing the room.
“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our third speaker of the day.”
My gosh! I was the avenger, and Thanos was coming for me.
“Please put your hands together for Mr. Smith.”
That was it, I couldn’t withstand the pressure. The waves moved faster, and I was about to lose it.
Under pressure, confused, I got up and acknowledged the gesture. Gently walked, thinking “what if?”. I went blank, claps sounded like reverbed echoes.
In fear, still kept my cool and walk right on stage. They all clapped, anxious to hear what I had to say. I walked to the moderator, whispered, and the audience went silent and confused.
What a cool day! Yes, I left without a word.
The day which started as a cool sunny day ended before evening.
Spent the rest of the day on a toilet sit, the weekend was crazy, but I wasn’t expecting that.
A cool day with nasty endings, I just forgot about everything that happened earlier. From everything that could potentially happen. This? Out of the picture.
And that is how my day ended, hours on a precious sit. Meditating, thinking “what if?”
I didn’t touch my phone for the rest of the day. Felt like a day I wanted to erase from history, I was just waiting for the next day.
But although it didn’t end as I expected, it ended like a normal day, you never know what to expect. Don’t expect anything.
All cool, because at the end of the day, I closed a deal, and attended a conference for the first time. From there we keep going.
This is life, everything with a beginning has a process and an end. No matter how you start or end, don’t expect anything, just live in the moment.
Cool day nasty endings, we all got one of those.
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